Planning Ahead

I signed up for the Early Bird Option for the London Screenwriters Festival. This year it starts 2nd September 2016. Right at the start of the school year. If my sabbatical dream comes true then this is the perfect kick start.
It will be the third time I've been. First time I went was the first time it ran. I absolutely loved it. The energy was great. Hadn't got a clue about anything, but it made me appreciate how ignorant I was (no idea what a three act story line was!) and to do something about it. Second time was in 2014. I was in a grumpy place and had just seriously injured my ankle. Still gave me a lift though.
This time I want to go there with a written, fully edited screenplay plus more and really go for it.

Of course, if I haven't been granted my sabbatical I could be in for some interesting negotiations. But then, that's what makes life interesting.


Alexandra said…
Here's wishing you luck for a sabbatical and fun at the event.

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