Happy New Year

Happy New Year to members of Wirral Writers and to followers/readers of this blog.

Well there it was, gone. Another year.
Right, let's get cracking. I think we will be rather busy this year what with an anthology to get together, the Maynah Lewis Competition to do and WW in-house competition, plus, all the writing we do for personal pleasure and submissions.

There's some competition out there when you consider how many books get published in the UK alone; according to The Guardian newspaper in 2014 -

 "UK publishers released more than 20 new titles every hour over the course of 2014, meaning that the country published more books per inhabitant than anywhere else in the world."

When I worked at a well-known book store, I read an article that said around 2,000 new children's books were published every week. In terms of quantity only China and the United States publish more than us; and look at our geographical size in comparison too!

We're not a "nation of shopkeepers" as Napoleon said; we are a nation of writers and readers and I'm very proud of this fact.

So best pen forward and best wishes to you all with your literary endeavours.



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