RIP Arthur Adlen

Many apologies for the tardiness of this post.

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Wirral Writers is sad to announce the death of one of it's members.

Arthur Adlen was a poet, folk singer and song-writer. 
Active in Philosophy in Pubs for many years, as well as being very involved in ground level politics in Liverpool, Arthur was proud of his Socialist roots and fought, not only, for equality and respect for everyone, especially 'the workers', but sought to embody the historical fight and plight in his writings that his, and many Liverpool families had and still do undergo daily.
He passed away just after the launch of his book on Monday 17th September 2018 - 'Memoirs of a Breck Road Buck and Other Poems'.
He was a lovely man - a gentleman - his wry humour, Scouse witticisms, not forgetting a pretty decent singing voice, will be missed.

RIP Arthur.

Image result for arthur adlen obituary


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