National Novel Writing Month

You may not have heard of NaNoWriMo - It's a website that attempts to help writers get their novel done and in the bag. It's quite good as it provides the motivation to keep the word count rising towards your completed targets.

They set off each November (i.e. next month!!) and the object is to reach your goal by the end of the month and feel good about yourself all through December. I found it very helpful and fun when I did it a couple of years ago

There is a Liverpool support site and they don't seem to mind us Wirral folk. Worth a look (you might have to set up an account to access this site). I'll be participating this year in an attempt to finish the novel I'm currently writing. You've heard a couple of chapters at the WW meetings. It's a multi-threaded story and I'm hoping to finish a couple of strands that should complete it.

Hope to see some of you there.


Mjke Wood said…
Hi Mick, yeah did it last year and it got me to the finish line on my second travel book. Thinking about it this year, but haven't made my mind up yet because my outline keeps changing. Good luck with yours, I'll be rooting for you.
Alexandra said…
I have signed up again this year.
2016 was the first time I took part, during which I got over 50,000 words of 'Skypea and the Tyger' written.Well worth it, I felt.
This year I am trying my hand at Magical Realism, I did begin a small part of this story during NaNo Summer Camp, but other stuff got in the way! I am not aiming for 50,000 words this year, something around the 10,000 mark as I have found myself getting bogged down in long novels.Which is one of the good things about NaNoWriMo - you can set your own target.
I would recommend it to new-comers to the Wirral Writers club as it pushes you to just get the story down, not to worry about details, research or editing.
Good luck to all who take part.

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