


Remember way back to 2015 sometime around autumn? The idea of putting a Wirral Writers anthology together was mooted.

The idea was received with a mixed response, but generally fairly positive. A rough timeline was agreed upon - the idea being to publish around Christmas 2016.

So where are we up to?
Everyone who wanted to be part of it has completed his or her submission, some have written more than one; the word count was equal for all. We have played 'Pass-the-Parcel' with each other's words, proof read, pencilled in corrections, added suggestions and so on and so forth. As far as I can tell, we are making good progress - I believe there are around 15 stories and a smattering of poetry to pull together now.

The hard work is yet to begin as far as I can tell, from author blogs I have been visiting to gain some insight on how to publish an anthology. We have to agree on the order of the work, we need author bio's, we need an editor (or do we?), type size, font, layout, preface, acknowledgements and cover design.  Then it has to be published, we're looking at self-publishing, online, with the option for hard copies. Price, promotion and distribution of money from sales.

So, “Onward and Upward! To Narnia and the North!”
C.S. Lewis

If interested, here are just a couple of the sites I have perused:-



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