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Hi everyone, Just a few words to say what a lovely day we had on Sunday at Brook Meadows. The meal was very good and the company excellent. (It goes without saying) Once again the flash ficition proved a hit. The choice of words gave a lot of scope for some quite inventive tales. I'm sorry I didn't say good-bye to everyone. I got talking and it was five o'clock before we realised it and I assumed that everybody had left. I think Doreen and myself were the last to leave. The weather, well what can be said of such a stunning Summer Day. the hottest I believe for a few years. Arthur didn't make it because he had hurt his foot but hopes to be with us on Friday. I didn't pick his email up until Monday. I've uploaded this photo but it's too small and I'm not sure how to make it larger. I'll print one out for Friday and bring it with me. Another piece of news just received a minute ago. Claire Oxley can announce the winner of the Maynah Lewis competition on...