What a difference a few months make.  feeling somewhat guilty for not having posted anything recently I though I'd log-on to this site.  Everything had changed and its taken me all morning to suss out the differences to the blog site.  Anyway here I am though for the life of me I can't see what the improvements are.
Since the last time I posted some news winter's gone and spring is just changing into summer.
At one of the meetings Pat brought some copies of his book he has had printed and kindly gave each of us a copy.  His tales certainly had me chuckling.
We had ten entries for the Maynah Lewis Cup which this year was won by Cheryl with her charming story called `Blue Indigo`.   Runner-up was Mike with `The Man with the Pill-box Hat. Barbara and Helen had also been short-listed.  Once again the variety of the stories was astonishing considering everyone had to incorporate the same list of words. Our judge this year was Juilet Greenwood who has just had a new book published this year called `Eden's Garden`.  In a letter she sent she remarked on how difficult she found it to make a choice and she short-listed four stories. She also said it had been an enjoyable task too.  Many thanks go to her as this must be a busy time for her.  The cup was presented at the last meeting 15th June, unfortunately Juilet could not make it so the task fell to me to present Cheryl with the trophy.  However Juilet said she would  like to come along and meet everyone and give a little talk.  She has been invited to be our guest of honour at the annual Sunday Lunch  which this year will be on 5th August.
The venue yet to be decided.   There is a choice between Gladstone's Library in Harwarden, Brookmeadow and another new venue Peelhey in Frankby.  Do let me know your views if you haven't already.
Looking ahead somewhat it was thought that the Wirral Writers would be celebrating 40 years in 2013 but the earliest agm recorded in the book I have is 1975; so unless the club didn't have a constitution early on and ran without a committee or bank account the club won't celebrate 40 years until 2014/15.  As it has been mooted that an anthology should be complied and published to celebrate the occasion the club has now more time to organise it.    Once again thoughts on this project please. particularly on what form it should take.  Do we incorporate some past winners work of the Maynah Lewis  Cup as well as current writings etc? 
I think that covers everything for now and I look forward to seeing all 6th July.



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