Hi everyone,

Just to remind you that our next meeting is on Friday 2nd March.
Last month saw another two interesting meetings with a wide variety of writings.
also it was decided that the club would not this time take part in the Wine and Reading Evening run by the Friends of the Library as it clashed with our own club nights. and in part because this was the second time the date had been changed.

March already so not many weeks to get your competition writing done, please refer to January post for details of competition.
don't forget double line spacing and don't use your own name. entry cost £1

Gordon read one of his poems at the last meeting and he has agreed for it to be put up on the blog. we all thought it summed us up quite nicely.

Wirral Writers Club
(A pantoum or something like one)

WE meet together on a Friday night
A group of cheerful scribblers all
Who bring their words, profound or slight
To please or tease, appall, enthral.

A group of cheerful scribblers all
The Wirral Writers do their best
To please or tease, appall, enthrall
And always welcome every guest.

The Wirral Writers do their best
To pen some lines of prose and rhyme
And always welcome every guest
So why not join us - now's the time

To pen some lines or prose or rhyme
Concerning love or maybe spite.
So why not join us, now's the time
We meet together on a Friday night.



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