Hi Folks,

Sorry I didn't attend the last meeting but should be okay for the next on 17th June.

All the entries for the Maynah Lewis competition has gone to our judge Clare Oxley and we are waiting now for her make contact with a date she can present the winner with the cup. And give us a talk.

As you know the Library with its Friends of the Library group is holding another `Wine and Writing` evening on Friday 22nd July. We have been asked if our members would like to come along and read a piece of their work. Cheryl and Tom read at the last one in March but it would be nice if more of us could make it this time.
The Library celebrates its 40th Anniversary in July and it has been decided that the theme for the readings should be about 40th or Ruby anniversaries. So if you have some ideas on that theme please write them down and bring them to the evening.

Before then the next social date is 26th June for Lunch at Brookmeadow Hotel & Resturant. Meeting at between 12-1pm for lunch at opproximately 1o'clock.
If the weather is good as it has been the last few years we should be able to enjoy our drinks and chats outside.
Last year we had a flash fiction competition for after dinner chat. Cheryl gave us a teasing few words which had to be used in a piece of no more that 75 words. It was great fun and if everyone likes the idea perhaps we could do again this year. This can be discussed at the next meeting for any comments or other ideas.

Hope you are all well.


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