A Good Week
Two pieces of news this week. Firstly, my Writer's of the Future story has been recorded and is currently running on StarShipSofa (which is nice, because StarShipSofa is also my favourite podcast) and to add some extra spice the story is being put up in a head-to-head against a piece by the writer Frederic Brown, old writer vs new writer. (I'm the new writer, by the way - I guess my bio picture hasn't been studied too closely.)
So if anyone wants to vote, please pop over to the Starship and hit the button - but listen to the stories first and judge on merit, I'm not advocating any log-rolling here, even though I stand to be publicly humiliated before the whole planet.)
And then, hot on the heels of this piece of news, I also have an acceptance from Jupiter magazine for my SF story 'The Bottle Garden'. Those with a good memory might recall my reading this at the writers group about a year ago - so thank you to everyone, your advice and suggestions were (mostly) heeded and have resulted in a sale. And anyone who is not part of Wirral Writers, please come along and join us, because our little crit group really can make the difference between a story getting out there in print or just languishing in a drawer.