News about Next Meeting

I had a call, yesterday, from a lady named Marion who is interested in broadcasting a number of stories on community radio – it’s part of a course she is doing on radio broadcasting. She had been advised to seek out writers’ groups and so she found us.

She is looking for two or three short stories, of about 12/13 minutes. She will either read them out herself, or if the author prefers, he/she can read them on air.

She has a February deadline, so I asked if she would like to come along to our next meeting (2nd January) and make her pitch. I suggest we dig out our old stories, ex-Maynah Lewis comp entries, perhaps, or anything else we have in the pipeline or the recycle bin, and bring them along. She says we should be mindful of our audience, who are likely to be elderly, so not too much gore and profanity.

So – here is a chance to get your stories out there, to get your name bandied about, and it could be a bit of useful free publicity for the group. I think it’s an opportunity we don’t want to miss.

Have a good Christmas.


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