
Showing posts from July, 2009

Autumn Competition

Here's the theme for our Autumn competition. We found this painting on the wall at Brook Meadow in 2008. Who is she? What's she doing? What's her story? What brought her to this moment? So tell us. Write a story in 500 words that surrounds this painting. Bring it with you to the 2nd Friday in September (I think) and we'll hear all the stories and judge them.

Vintage Radio

Time to rummage through your chest-stories again. Marion at Vintage Radio is looking for some more content for the next run of Vintage Radio programming. I'll have more information soon, but it's likely that shows will go out in November. Marion is looking for short peices, certainly less than ten minutes, say 1500 words max, and particularly something with humour. If it runs like last time you will get the chance to read your own story on live community radio. I certainly got a big kick from it. I might have more by our next meeting on Friday, but I guess we'll be needing to submit our stories by early September.